Thank you for checking to see "What Is On My Mind Today!" You will find a wide range of things interest me and I hope you will add your comments too! I look forward to reading what you have to say.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

CQS-Day Six

What's On My Mind TodayToday was Mobile Journalism day.  The training we had the other day on iPhones and apps was put into practice. 

We used Twitter, TwitPic, U-Stream, Audioboo, iMovie, Tumblr, and a few other apps to show how we can be effective journalists with technology on an iPhone. 

We used free Wi-Fi or our professor, who was a "Hot Spot" to post our data.  I found a closed Fed Ex with free Wi-Fi and was able to upload my pics, tweets and videos.

We also had a hands-on training with Danese Kenon, former Chipster, and multimedia journalist at the Indianapolis Star.  She broke down effective introductions and closing of videos, but her expertise and our ability to ask one-on-one questions was the best.

She is a consummate professional and dedicated to helping us succeed, just like the other presenters and teachers. 

Again, I am so grateful to be a part of this program.  I only wish the best for all of the summer 2011 Chipsters.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

CQS-Day Five

What's On My Mind TodayWell, as much fun as today was, I am completely wiped out and cannot wait to get to the hotel.

Today, we made "World Champions" videos...I know ours is HILARIOUS, but can't tell about any of the other groups because they are keeping them a secret until tomorrow.  Oh well...not putting that one up, sorry, its only for educational purposes.  Monday will be the journalistic one. 

Tomorrow is mobile journalism at its best with a field trip to Downtown Nashville.  We will use our iPhones to use Twitter, Tumblr, and TwitPic. 

Tomorrow, Chipster Denise Kenon will show us her work and help us fine tune our skills.  Another full day over and can't wait for another. 

We have two more Chipsters leaving tomorrow...Good luck ladies.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Accomplishment of CQS Day Four

What's On My Mind TodayI am proud of the final product but it was a task to complete.  The heat, the chase to keep up with the segway, and then the editing of audio and pictures...but it was all worth it.

We used Audacity, Photoshop, Final Cut and what you see is the work of my fellow Chipster, Bertrand Teo and myself.

The presenters spent a lot of time lining up great story concepts for us to use our creativity to make these videos.  Stay tuned...Sunday we will start our videos and complete on Monday.

Can't wait to get to The Plain Dealer and hopefully find a story where I can incorporate everything I have learned. 


Thursday, May 19, 2011

CQS-Third Full Day

What's On My Mind TodayEXHAUSTION...that is what is on my mind today.  As if the other jammed packed days weren't enough...I can honestly say, today was worse.  We started with multimedia training and thank God for Prof. Gugliotta and his manner of teaching because today was just a review until we got to the audio...

Audio while we only recorded a 5 minute interview with about 15 minutes of ambient sound, it took approximately 4 hrs to weddle it down to out 90 second sound clip.  Our story is on Rusty, the Nashville Ambassador...security on a segway helping the tourists of downtown Nashville. 

He was a character!  My fellow Chipster did audio and I took photos.  I think we got a grand slam on this one but we won't know until tomorrow. 

But Val Hoeppner and Anne Medley are the best at what they do.  Thanks so much for showing me the ropes. 

Prof. Gugliotta and Mr. Omori, I will need a little technical support but I plan to use these newly learned skills to make my stories a complete package. 

On a personal note, time is flying by.  I really miss home but I am loving this unique learning experience. 


CQS, Second Full Day

What's On My Mind TodayYesterday...was AMAZING.  I had the opportunity to meet John Seigenthaler, founder of the First Amendment Center, located at the Diversity Institute in Nashville, Tennessee. 

John Quinn, co-founder of Chips Quinn Scholars program and John Seigenthaler, founder of the First Amendment Center, embrace after Seigenthaler's emotional speech at the Diversity Institute in Nashville, TN.

Seigenthaler's candor while discussing his "blindness" to race while growing up and his transition to "seeing", his time with working with John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, his time with the Freedom Riders and his journalism career...awe inspiring.

I sat listening to him and almost cried and did cry during the special showing of the PBS special that aired earlier this week on the Freedom Riders. 

Karen Catone, director of the Chips Quinn Scholars program commented that through all of her education and schooling, she never learned about the Freedom Riders.  I agreed and this is something ALL Americans should know about.  Its a story of the beginnings of unifying this country.

Karen Catone, director of Chips Quinn Scholars program.

We also had a fun-filled and truly education time with Ken Paulson, president of the First Amendment Center.  As journalist the First Amendment is the foundation of our past, present and future.

In an interactive session, Paulson challenged the Chipsters knowledge and took extra time to field questions on convergence in media and what we journalists should know to succeed.   

Ken Paulson, president of the First Amendment Center explains the First Amendment  and its importance to Summer 2011 Chipsters.

Everyday, I realize the true investment the people of the Chips Quinn Scholars program, Freedom Forum and the First Amendment Center at the Diversity Institute have made for me and the other Chipsters to become successful journalists and it's an humbling experiene.  

Today, we begin our multimedia training...I am so ready. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CQS, First Full Day

What's on My Mind Today:  Day one was a grueling day in that it was nearly 12 hours of non-stop, "Quinn time" activities.  John Quinn is a stickler for a schedule and I know he is proud of all of us for getting done an hour ahead of schedule!

We started learning about mobile journalism from Val Hoeppner...she is amazing with technology.  She taught us how to use a gazillion apps for the iPhone and had us using those apps immediately posting to the Freedom Forum blog, and Twitter accounts.

We had small group coaching to outline our internship goals.  My career coach is Colleen Fitzpatrick.  She has set up an amazing weekly discussion for us and answered just about every question we could come up with.

And any questions we couldn't think of, Jack Marsh, address in his very impactful, "Rules of the Room."  He outlined newsroom protocol do's and don'ts. 

We celebrated 20 years of Chips Quinn Scholars with John Quinn during lunch.  After lunch he told us of his son's, John "Chips" Quinn, work ethic and mission to make newsroom diverse.  As well as a story from an African-American woman who Chips helped to move up the ladder in an all white, predominantly male newspaper.

The day ended with a game of News Mania, buzzers and all!  The blue team, which I was on, rallied back to within 5 points to lose 490 Blue to 495 Red.  It was a wonderful time and great end to a super busy day. 

I can't wait for today...several Chipster Alumni are speaking to us today as well as another session with our career coaches, but I was informed there's a Chipster at the PD and he has already emailed offering his assistance, even before I start my internship.

This is a family that I am so glad to be a new member of...I proudly call myself a Chipster!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Journey to Nashville, TN for Chips Quinn Scholars (CQS) Orientation

What's on My Mind Today:  Starting today I will outline my daily activities and experiences while in Nashville.  While I knew the Chips Quinn Scholars (CQS) was an amazing program, I didn't get the full grasp until I arrived to meet some very special people.

My day actually started out at 3:30 a.m. as I prepared to leave by finishing the laundry and ironing my husband's clothes for the time I will be gone.  I also fixed us steak and eggs for breakfast. 

Ultimately, everything was smooth sailing to get here, especially the landings of the pilots at US Airways!  I never could tell we had touched down, which I truly appreciated! 

The only near debacle was when Harold, the driver from Grayline, gave my luggage to someone else! In Harold's defense, the gentleman just glanced and pointed out my bag as his own.  Luckily the man, with the Australian accent, was at the wrong hotel and called for pick-up right when we discovered he had the wrong bag.  The situation was quickly alleviated by Harold, as he dropped the other customer off at the correct Best Western with the correct luggage and then returned me and my belongings to Embassy Suites Vanderbilt. "That is the first time in two years I gave the wrong luggage away," said Harold as I entered the hotel. 
The John Seigenthaler Center on the campus of Vanderbilt University houses the Freedom Forum, First Amendment Center and Diversity Institute.  This is where the summer class of CQS will use the state of the are newsroom, classrooms and library and become CQS!

Chips Quinn was the son of Loie and John Quinn, the founders of the CQS program, named for their son, a journalist who was unexpectedly killed in an accident.  Chips Quinn was a young editor at the Poughkeepsie Journal when he was killed, but prior to his death, "Chips accepted all people," said R. B. Quinn, his brother, in the information on how the program began. 

I think it is amazing how Loie and John Quinn turned the tragic loss of their son into a program that incorporates John Quinn's longtime work with newsroom diversity to help new journalists of color. 

John Quinn, a former journalist, spoke of our entering into his family and fulfilling a legacy.  It was not only the speech that moved me, it was the personal greeting at the door and references he made to each of the 23 summer CQS.  He took time to get to know us, even before our arrival.  John Quinn is 76 and traveled from Providence, R.I. to meet us.  His charm, humor and dedication to journalism are contagious.

We met staff of CQS, Freedom Forum and Diversity Institute at Vanderbilt University, as well as the summer class of "Chipsters" as we are affectionately called by John Quinn. The staff emulates the same dedication of John Quinn.  

The days are full of learning on a VERY tight schedule, but I am so excited to get started.  I thank God; everyone at CQS, especially Karen Catone and Jack Marsh; and Debra Adams Simmons, editor of The Plain Dealer  and my journalism professors at Cleveland State University for making this opportunity possible for me--I will not let you down!