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Thursday, May 19, 2011

CQS-Third Full Day

What's On My Mind TodayEXHAUSTION...that is what is on my mind today.  As if the other jammed packed days weren't enough...I can honestly say, today was worse.  We started with multimedia training and thank God for Prof. Gugliotta and his manner of teaching because today was just a review until we got to the audio...

Audio while we only recorded a 5 minute interview with about 15 minutes of ambient sound, it took approximately 4 hrs to weddle it down to out 90 second sound clip.  Our story is on Rusty, the Nashville Ambassador...security on a segway helping the tourists of downtown Nashville. 

He was a character!  My fellow Chipster did audio and I took photos.  I think we got a grand slam on this one but we won't know until tomorrow. 

But Val Hoeppner and Anne Medley are the best at what they do.  Thanks so much for showing me the ropes. 

Prof. Gugliotta and Mr. Omori, I will need a little technical support but I plan to use these newly learned skills to make my stories a complete package. 

On a personal note, time is flying by.  I really miss home but I am loving this unique learning experience. 


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