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Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Asian Carp

As a writer, journalist and creative writer, I write all the time.  I will be honest, while I ALWAYS have something to say, I never thought of using a blog  until recently.  I know you want to know why...well, it's part of my mandatory grade!  Enough said...

What's On My Mind Today:  Federal Court Hearing on Asian Carp Exposes Doubts About Current Efforts to Block Migration to Great Lakes. 

Not sure if you are even aware of the severe threat the Asian Carp could possibly have on the Great Lakes, but specifically Lake Erie where I fish as much as I can.  In an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer earlier this year, said that this predator could have demolished the fishing in Ohio and by 2020 make the Put-In-Bay area a ghost town.  SCARY. 

In recent weeks everyone is paying attention.  A month ago this video was posted in Indiana, click link to watch video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfG4vsJ5_xI

"We believe that expert testimony from both sides of the argument has demonstrated that none of the strategies applied so far has ended or will end the threat posed to the Great Lakes by these fish," Cordray said. "The best scientific research and testing show that the threat of Asian carp is real and imminent, and the damage will be irreversible and potentially catastrophic if they are allowed to reach the Great Lakes. The only solution that we know will prevent this is to physically separate the Chicago-area waterways from the Great Lakes. We are pursuing that goal by all available means, including the courts, the Congress, and the Administration." 

This is good news but I fear it is already to late.  Indiana is our neighbor and while the gentlemen taping the video found it funny...I don't!  They multiply in such rapid numbers they will take up and kill off the Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass, White Bass, Steelhead Trout and other fish Ohioans love to catch as and eat.  

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