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Monday, April 25, 2011

Kasich Stabs Republican Voters in Cuyahoga County in the Back

Whats On My Mind Today:  In today's Plain Dealer (April 25, 2011) an analysis was taken of the votes Kasich received compared with the school districts expected to take the biggest reduction in state funding.  Well, the people who voted for him are the ones he's going after.

This is a strange twist for a republican...they usually tax the poor and protect the wealthy.  The voters in the districts like Orange, Westlake, Rocky River and Beachwood are all up in arms.  Over the next two years these and a few other areas are slated to lose up to 79 percent in funding from the state.

In a last ditch effort, Ohio republicans in the  House are trying to save face and votes by critiquing Kasich's budget for education.  They know education is a sore spot for voters.  And since their campaigning will begin again real soon, they need to calm down the superintendents of these districts.

The superintendents are not having it.  Superintendents are telling the voters, the parents, what THEIR governor is going to do.  Republicans are saying the superintendents have it all wrong.  All I know are kids are going to suffer.

I don't care, at this point, that urban areas are protected and possibly will not lose as much.  Even with the cuts expected to these suburban schools their students will still have opportunities students in districts like Cleveland Municipal School District may never have. 

Still, cutting education on the K-12 level is RIDICULOUS.  How is our society to evolve is the children are not educated in a way that will continue to grow and function?  It won't.  There are plenty of other areas he could cut...all these construction projects that are so poorly managed is one area.  Why do we cause chaos and confusion by blocking 5 miles of road they can realistically only work on a half to a mile at a time.  For the protection of the workers, block a half mile before and after, fix a section COMPLETELY, then block the next half to a mile. 

This will eliminate extra congestion on high traffic arteries, making it less of an impact on the tax payers.  By doing this, everyone will see progress at a much faster rate.  Another thing, find a more compatible material against salt instead of filling the holes today and digging them up with the first snow and then leaving a hazard for taxpayers vehicles. 

Cut some of the politicians salaries!  Politicians should earn their pay and most of them don't!   If you are suppose to be in the business of being a public servant, start with the salary.  Police, firefighters, teachers, service men and women are the worst paid public employees doing the hardest jobs.  If you want to make a difference, prove it.  Stop living above your means and do the job we put you in office to do.  If you want to get rich, start your own company, don't get over by doing a substandard job on my dime.

What do you think?

Internships & Employment Opportunities

What's On My Mind TodayInternships and employment opportunities seem to work hand and hand for a communication major and many other degrees.  They won't hire you unless you did an internship to gain experience but then why don't they want to pay you for the internship experience.  As a student you pay your college tuition just to get 4 credits to work for FREE.  That makes no sense to me.

Interns come in with ideas, stamina, creativity and a willingness to learn, but they aren't even worth minimum wage.  Nowhere else could/would someone work for free, that's called volunteering.  Did the possible employer realize how much more they could get from someone by respecting the fact they have gone to school, racked up large loans, to learn their craft and deserve something in return, even if its a stipend? 

In addition, internships need to take into account that the vehicle that will get you to the job does not run on FREE gas or FREE maintenance.  What if you have a family?  You cannot tell the landlord, I can't pay you because my internship, which I need to get a paying job is unpaid, and I will pay the rent when I get a paying job!  Or do you tell your child they can't go on the school field trip that cost $15 because your internship is UNPAID?

Why is it because I am a student my intellectual capital-my thoughts, ideas and dreams-can be used for free for the benefit of a company that may or may not hire me.  I realize the experience is beneficial and can be used on my resume, but I am working...doing a job, in most cases, they are paying others in the company to do, so why am I not good enough to get paid, even if its just a stipend?

I would love feedback on this topic.  Thanks.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Senoritis...Graduation Looms

Whats on My Mind TodayGraduation...it's all I can think about.  It's called senioritis and for whatever the reason, this ailment makes concentrating on your major/minor very difficult.  After spending years on honing my journalistic skills, this semester has me all turned around. 

I am so ready, its exactly 4 weeks from tomorrow.  I have my cap, gown and stole.  I received my honors cords and pin from Lambda Pi Eta and now await my honors medallion for graduating cum laude. 

Everything but my math class, I acknowledge I procrastinated on taking, and my Independent Study (IS) on magazine writing are the only concerns I have.  The reason my IS is an issue is because I have spent 6 months doing research and 2 weeks ago, after trying unsuccessfully for nearly 4 weeks to write my 2000-5000 word long form article, I changed my mind.

I have a new topic and going for the gusto on it now.  Although I am not doing the other article topic, I am using some of my research for this article but its adding another layer to the new story. 

Math, my nemesis, is diffiecult on my 40 year old brain!  Especially since this math is truly nothing I will use in life again...voting math, Euler and Hamilton circuits...USELESS.  But to get that degree and prove I am a well-rounded graduate, I am doing it. 

As if graduating was not enough to worry about, I am still waiting on notification of acceptance into graduate school.  Didn't make it into the highly competitive NEOMFA program, but still in line for the M.A. in English with Creative Writing concentration.  Just a matter of time, but completing all my graduate assistantships.

I also didn't become a Chips Quinn Scholar due to lack of host newsrooms in my area, and my disability but I have been offered the opportunity in the Spring or Summer of 2012, which means something. 

In planning for my future, I am applying for jobs all over the south, and if I am hired, I'll find a college down there to start in January.  But I am still applying in Ohio as well.  If I obtain a job here than I am all set for a couple years and my dreams of moving south will occur then when I find a school where I can obtain my doctorate in literary journalism.

But none of my plans matter until I graduate...HURRY UP ALREADY!