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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Senoritis...Graduation Looms

Whats on My Mind TodayGraduation...it's all I can think about.  It's called senioritis and for whatever the reason, this ailment makes concentrating on your major/minor very difficult.  After spending years on honing my journalistic skills, this semester has me all turned around. 

I am so ready, its exactly 4 weeks from tomorrow.  I have my cap, gown and stole.  I received my honors cords and pin from Lambda Pi Eta and now await my honors medallion for graduating cum laude. 

Everything but my math class, I acknowledge I procrastinated on taking, and my Independent Study (IS) on magazine writing are the only concerns I have.  The reason my IS is an issue is because I have spent 6 months doing research and 2 weeks ago, after trying unsuccessfully for nearly 4 weeks to write my 2000-5000 word long form article, I changed my mind.

I have a new topic and going for the gusto on it now.  Although I am not doing the other article topic, I am using some of my research for this article but its adding another layer to the new story. 

Math, my nemesis, is diffiecult on my 40 year old brain!  Especially since this math is truly nothing I will use in life again...voting math, Euler and Hamilton circuits...USELESS.  But to get that degree and prove I am a well-rounded graduate, I am doing it. 

As if graduating was not enough to worry about, I am still waiting on notification of acceptance into graduate school.  Didn't make it into the highly competitive NEOMFA program, but still in line for the M.A. in English with Creative Writing concentration.  Just a matter of time, but completing all my graduate assistantships.

I also didn't become a Chips Quinn Scholar due to lack of host newsrooms in my area, and my disability but I have been offered the opportunity in the Spring or Summer of 2012, which means something. 

In planning for my future, I am applying for jobs all over the south, and if I am hired, I'll find a college down there to start in January.  But I am still applying in Ohio as well.  If I obtain a job here than I am all set for a couple years and my dreams of moving south will occur then when I find a school where I can obtain my doctorate in literary journalism.

But none of my plans matter until I graduate...HURRY UP ALREADY!

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