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Thursday, November 18, 2010

FINALS-Different than before

What's On My Mind Today:  I have a unique experience for the first time as an undergrad, NO FINALS!  I will have to come to class to turn in assignments and get my final grades but I don't have one final and I am so excited.  Even though I don't have formal final, I have a major paper assignment due in each of my classes if not more than one.  But that is all good because writing is what I do! 

I will not be doing note cards, staying up all night and hibernating this semester.  I will not turn into one of the many people who live in the library searching for a quiet place.  Yaaaaahhhhhhooooooo!

To those of you who have to do the study thing, here are a few suggestions, don't procrastinate.  Start your study process, a few weeks in advance (NOW), especially if your final is cumulative.  Study in the way usually study (examples:  note cards, re-reading your notes, etc.) then give it a day or two and do it another way (examles:  writing definition/key terms, reading book chapters, etc.).  But the most important thing you can do is get a good nights sleep, DO NOT stay up all night cramming. 

Good luck on your finals...I will be thinking of you as I chill and wait for my A's to roll in!

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